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Why You Should Consider Veneers If You Want a Celebrity Smile

Sep 01, 2023
You just saw another amazing celebrity on TV. You notice how great their smile is, but you’re not sure how to accomplish it for yourself. The good news? It’s easier than you think!

Every time you see a celebrity on TV or online, you marvel at one thing: their beautiful smile.

Here’s the thing: That smile you admire so much probably isn’t completely natural. They’ve likely had plenty of help building a dazzling white smile with perfectly straight teeth.

One of the main methods for improving your smile is available right down the street at your local dentist: veneers. If you want a celebrity smile, veneers are the best way to get it.

Here’s how they work, courtesy of our expert team at Tropical Dental Care.

What are veneers?

Veneers are very thin porcelain shells that bond to the front of your tooth. The goal is to change your tooth’s size, shape, color, or alignment so it looks natural and uniform.

You can choose to only have one veneer, or you can get multiple veneers depending on your situation. Our dental team will perform an initial consultation, where they’ll do an exam and cleaning and take digital X-rays. They’ll prepare your teeth for the veneers by removing a thin layer of enamel, and then digital impressions of your teeth will allow the lab to create your custom veneers, which will be held in place with very strong adhesive.

The process usually takes a couple of appointments. You’ll wear temporary veneers while your custom ones are being made.

How can they give you a great smile?

The advantage of veneers is they’re relatively quick and easy to install, and they can fix a multitude of issues with your smile. If you want a smile like a celebrity’s, here’s how veneers can help:

  • Hide tooth discoloration
  • Cover chipped, cracked, or broken teeth
  • Hide small gaps between your teeth
  • Make all your teeth uniform
  • Straighten your smile
  • Give you long-lasting white teeth

Veneers are also customizable, so every set is different. Your veneers will be perfectly color-matched to your existing teeth so no one will be able to tell the difference. 

And while they can’t fix significant orthodontic problems, veneers can cover crooked teeth so your teeth can look nice and straight. Veneers can also give you a more youthful look by lengthening and rounding the biting edges of your teeth.

They’re also durable — they can last 10-15 years with proper oral hygiene, which includes brushing twice a day, flossing once a day, and seeing your dentist twice a year.

If you’re ready for your own celebrity smile, our team at Tropical Dental Care would be happy to help. To make an appointment, just call our Tomball, Texas, office or use our online booking tool to request a time that works for you.